Welcome to Junior Genius Kits, a new product line from BusBoard Prototype Systems designed to teach electronics to both students and adults using real-world parts. Each kit provides all needed parts and come with a full-colour illustrated guide to help you not only build circuits but also build your knowledge and enjoyment of electronics.


Blinky Lights Kits, Expansions & Projects

Blinky Lights Kit

A great introduction to electronics!
Build and experiment using the 60 page guide to learn how LEDs and transistors work

Blinky Lights Solder Kit

Learn to solder with the Blinky Lights circuit from the Junior Genius Kit

Replacement Parts Bag

A complete set of replacement electronic parts for Junior Genius Kits #1 - Blinky Lights

Blinky Lights Classroom Kits

Blinky Lights Kits designed for the classroom

More Parts
Expansion Kit

Additional LEDs and parts
for Junior Genius Kit #1 Blinky Lights

I.C. Chaser
Expansion Kit

A 10 LED flashing circuit and more for Junior Genius Kit #1 Blinky Lights

Buzzer & Buttons
Expansion Kit

Add a buzzer, buttons, and more to build alarms and a game