• Posted on: 15 February 2019
  • By: webadmin

The BR1 and SB830 are very similar PCBs and excellent choices for making permanent prototypes from full-size breadboards.

The BR1 was our original design as a matching pattern Solderable PC BreadBoard to our BB830 Solderless BreadBoard. Over the years from excellent customer feedback we made some changes and developed the SB830.

The key differences of the SB830 from the BR1:

  • We made the SB830 slightly longer to move the mounting holes outwards for a particular application
  • We reduced the track width between holes to make it easier to cut tracks
  • The "bonus pads" at the ends of the PCB are now the same pattern as the rest of the board (2-hole strip in the middle).  The BR1 has pad-per-hole pads at the ends which aren't as popular.

We've kept on selling the BR1 because many customers know and love it.  However, the SB830 is the slightly-improved successor to the BR1.
